Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Happy Birthday, Phil!

On Saturday we celebrated Phil's 29th year on this earth! In the Gocke household, our favorite way to celebrate any occasion is by eating good food! So our morning started out with homemade Biscuits and Gravy. I used the Pioneer Woman's recipe and they turned out great! I'm not much of a pork eater, but I really enjoyed this gravy, even ate some of the leftovers the next day.

Here's the link to her recipe if you're interested: PW's Biscuits and Gravy Recipe

After breakfast, I needed to rest! Watching a 16 month old while trying to make a big breakfast really takes the energy out of a little prego! That's one thing that I've been doing a lot of lately, resting! There's plenty I could be doing around here, but I have just been getting so tired, especially in the afternoons. If I don't nap every day, then I'm at least laying down next to Evie while she watches a show on my iPad. I am so thankful that I have the opportunity to rest during this pregnancy! Phil is so sweet, he's always encouraging me to rest and gets excited when I tell him that I napped earlier in the day... I've got a keeper!

So anyhoo... after we were rested and ready to go, we were hungry again and headed out to Famous Dave's for some BBQ, Phil's choice. It's funny the stark contrast between the restaurants that we go to for our birthdays: for Phil's birthday it's usually BBQ or a steak house, for my birthday it's sushi or a tea room!
The Birthday Boy with his feast

After lunch, we dropped our little munchkin off to her Aunt Dee's house so Phil and I could go see a movie together. We watched "42." It was the story of Jackie Robinson's first year in Major League Baseball in 1947. The movie itself was a bit on the cheesy side, but Robinson's story is so inspiring. He really did so much for our country during that awful time. Also, a side note, Harrison Ford played an old man in that movie and it was just plain weird. I'm not ready for Harrison to be old. Where's Hans?
At the Palace Theatre

After our movie we picked up our little pumpkin and headed to Andy's. You can't have a birthday in Springfield, MO without some Andy's! (I know... food again!) If you've come to visit us, chances are we've taken you to Andy's. Truth is, we're always looking for an excuse to go to Andy's. It's a locally owned frozen custard joint that is extremely popular here in the Ozarks. Toward the end of my pregnancy with Evie, we were eating Andy's at least once a week and Phil never complained about that!

That was our day of celebrating! Phil is such a wonderful man, I am so thankful that I married him... one of the best things I've ever done! I hope this year is a year of growth, blessing, and fulfillment for you, Phil! I love you!

Here are some pictures of our little cutie with her daddy. They're pretty special buddies.

Evie's always happier outside


 Oh, and before I sign off, I thought I'd post a prego picture. I'm 16 weeks in this shot. I'm definitely showing a lot sooner with this pregnancy... hopefully that doesn't mean I'll surpass my belly size from my first pregnancy... I was sooo big! I can't imagine being any bigger!
Week 16 with baby #2
This was week 16 of my pregnancy with Evie.